Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Moldova the unhappiest country in the world...???

Check out this link from CNN I read today:

So far, I find this to be incredibly untrue. Most of the Moldovans I've met are pretty happy! True, economically and politically, things aren't great, but nevertheless, the people here are wonderful.

Take it with a grain of salt. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI Michael,

Totally agree with you. Moldovans are very happy and warm people. They might not be well off economically and struggle on day to day basis, but they are warm, generous and's a very innacurate characterization to name a country or another the unhappiest. The author Eric Weiner spent only 2 weeks in Moldova and was complaining about food, wine etc. You have to live at least one year in the country to form an opinion about its people.